Thursday, February 3, 2011

It is a beautiful day here in Amsterdam.  We woke up to, well to darkness, but when daylight broke it was the sun!  I was so happy to see it.  
January is over and so is our month of free public transportation. So, that means we are back to biking. Biking is something that is almost synonymous with this country. The responsibility is almost equal to that of driving a car in the states, at least, that is what we have told our kids. I have told them it is one time where you have complete permission to think only about yourself because everyone else is biking that same way. You have to watch out where you are going, what is in your way. 
It's funny though, to see someone talking on their phone or reading while biking! Everything that we would do, TRY to do, or shouldn't do, in a car they will do on a bike. They will bike when there is 6" of snow on the ground or when it is raining. They will put their 2 kids on their bike and head out to run their daily errands. It makes biking on the Greenways trails in Springfield a true leisure activity. Something I look forward to doing this summer when we are back. We have laughed many times at the comparisons. "This is like biking to Lowe's and buying our paint and tools and loading them up on our bike and going back home." 
I admire the Dutch for the attitude they have. It seems, when they have something to do, they do it. They may complain about the weather, but it doesn't stop them. I am trying to adopt this same attitude, but, needless to say, I still can't wait for spring!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so stinking excited that you're blogging!! Love you!
